20th School Health Lecturer Training

The 20th School Health Lecturer Training was held in Phnom Penh from 25-27 December.
On the first day, the lecture was conducted by the Foundation for International Development/Relief (FIDR) and included a study on nutrition, such as healthy diet and food safety. The participants enjoyed learning how to read nutrition labels, how to calculate and judge what is not shown on nutrition labels, and watch an experimental video on the sugar content in juices, based on scientific evidence.

We observed a health class for Grade 9 students. Trial health lessons for Grade 8 students were given by lecturers from Battambang Teacher Education College (BTEC). Reproductive Health by Ms. Sambour Sithoau and Mental Health by Ms. Heng Tola.
This time, teachers and administrators from neighbouring schools also observed the trial lessons. In lecturer’s reflections, the lecturers said that they would like to prepare carefully for the trial lesson so that it can be used as a model lesson for others in the future.

On the third day of the training, reports on the Japan training in September and a lecture on Child Health (one of the subjects in the lower secondary school curriculum) by master trainer lecturers took place.

Nutrition lecture by FIDR staff
Group work for nutrition labels
Trial lesson “Reproductive Health” by Ms. Sambor Sithoau
Trial lesson “Mental Health” by Ms. Heng Tola
With teachers